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Another day of amazing weather here in good ‘ole South Carolina. It may not be THE most exciting state but the weather in the spring… well it rocks! 😀 Days like this make me glad to live here.

I’m going to jump straight to the food because I have something to discuss afterwards about my injury… and I tend to get long-winded with these sort of things 😀 My apologies about that!



Breakfast this morning was slightly different. Still had my oats… but with a twist! Double the banana!


The base was my usual whipped banana oats but then I topped it with the other half of my banana and a mixture of cinnamon, ground flax, and brown sugar.


This was SO GOOD! I wanted something different and I got something incredibly delicious!! This. Will. Be. Repeated.



Lunch was also yummy 🙂


I mixed 1 container of Fage 2% Greek Yogurt with 1 tbsp. chia seeds and let it sit for a while in the fridge. And then I topped it with a low fat Blueberry Muffin from Whole Foods. And then more blueberries on top of that!


Yummy in my tummy. He.


Seriously though, this was incredible. Especially with the super thick and rich 2% yogurt… it felt SO decedent when in actuality, this was a pretty healthy lunch! And extremely filling! I could go on and on about yogurt and muffins together but I will spare you. But if you haven’t tried it, you MUST. Just saying…


Dinner was kind of put together off the top of my head. I sprinkled some organic free range chicken cutlets with some Key Lime seasoning and salt and browned them in a skillet. When they were almost done, I added some mushrooms and the juice of 1 lemon and let them cook until done.


Alongside, some sautéed kale and baby spinach with more of the seasoning.


And some maple baked beans.


Totally delicious dinner!! And I have to say, I can really tell the difference between organic chicken and regular chicken. So much more flavorful and moist… just all around good


And then for dessert, I microwaved an apple with some cinnamon and added it to an almost empty yogurt container that I had added a dollop of Mighty Maple (what? go a whole day without nut butter? not this girl!). Then topped with another dollop.


The hot apples melted the peanut butter on the bottom and the whole thing tasted like cinnamon mighty maple apples…yum!!!!!


Who says healthy desserts can’t be amazing?!


And now, I would like to share some thoughts I have been having lately about my injury. I know that I discuss this a lot but what with this being the reason I started the blog and a big part of my life lately, it seems appropriate 🙂 In any case, I have been really trying to stay positive on here about my injury but the past week or so has been a huge struggle for me.  I am having days where I feel pain and intense… soreness… followed by days where I feel so much better. Back and forth. It’s like a mean trick, feeling so good one day and then the next… awful. And then the spring weather makes me want to run or exercise or DO something SO badly! It would be so easy, so so easy to become bitter about my injury. I’ve been struggling with thoughts of was running taken away from me? Why? I find something that makes me SO happy and makes me feel so good and then… nope, you can’t run anymore. Not for the foreseeable future anyway. What gives? I then run into people who take for granted the fact that they can exercise, that they can DO something, and they choose NOT to. It’s so frustrating! When I’d kill to just take a WALK without having to pay for it later.

So yes, I have been having a little pity party for myself. But then, sometime between last night and today, my outlook changed. Somehow, someway. Yes, this does suck. But you know what? It is temporary. One day, I will be able to look back on this. And that makes me lucky and blessed. There are those people out there who cannot run, who cannot walk, who cannot even dress themselves because of physical or mental limitations/disabilities. And I sit here complaining about something that is not forever? Something that has taught me to appreciate every single day that I have to live on this earth and to never, ever, take a single thing for granted… even things we consider simple like walking and running. Hell no. I’m lucky. I’m blessed. This hurts so much because I love running so much. And how lucky am I to have something that I love that much? And I decided that when I can run again, I want to run for a cause. I want to raise money for charities and run for people who can’t. In general, I want to do more things for charity, help those less-fortunate than I am. I don’t know how I am going to do this yet, but I am.

I don’t want to just go through life just to get through anymore. I want to LIVE. Live each day to its fullest. Even days that may not seem that great, days that may be tough, they are still good days because we are alive. We get to see the sun rise and hear the birds sing and laugh. Each day we have on this earth, well we should make the most of it. And this injury, it’s a part of my life. It’s a part of my journey. And as I’ve said before, I’ve learned a lot through it. I know it’s not over, I still have a long way to go. But I’m going to make it. I did not come this far to back down, to fail, to give up. I am going to fight with every ounce of strength within me, no matter what happens, no matter what the doctor says tomorrow, no matter how long it takes to get back to running. I will not give up and I will not become discouraged.


I also want to thank Andrea from Can You Stay For Dinner? for the Sunshine Award!!!

Thank you so much girl!! You are so sweet!!! And now I’d like to pass it on to some fellow Sunshiney (is that a world? ha) bloggers 🙂 But I love you all and I want you to know that each and every one of you bring sunshine into my life!!

Gabriela at Une Vie Saine

Freya at Brit Chick Runs

Jocelyn at Peace. Love. Nutrition.

Amanda at Seek

Lauren at Eater Not A Runner

Anna at Newlywed, Newly Veg

Stephanie at Cookin Fanatatic

Mae at Ohh May


I am thankful today for…

  1. LIFE
  2. My parents
  3. Kids who can put a smile on my face no matter what mood I was in before:)
  4. Fellow bloggers who make me smile 😀 You guys make my day!!!


I have my doctor’s appointment in the morning, any thoughts/prayers would me much appreciated! 🙂 And then on to shopping, Trader Joe’s, and Fro-Yo! Have a good night a good Wednesday!

“The longer I live the more I believe
You do have to give if you wanna recieve
There’s a time to listen, a time to talk
And you might have to crawl even after you walk

Had sure things blow up in my face
Seen the longshot, win the race
Been knocked down by the slamming door
Picked myself up and came back for more

Life’s a dance you learn as you go
Sometimes you lead, sometimes you follow
Don’t worry about what you don’t know
Life’s a dance you learn as you go”