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It is truly a winter wonderland outside today!! As I type, I can hear kids screaming and laughing and playing in the snow. Oh to be a kid again… even though frolicking in the snow is fun no matter how old you are. Some things never get old 🙂


We got a lot of snow last night and we are supposed to get more this evening. It’s so pretty but that means no going out tonight. Oh well… snuggling up on the couch with a blanket and a good show will be a fun, low key way to spend the evening. And a delicious dinner, of course.



Today I am stuck inside studying… not so fun. But you have to do what you have to do. And i’ve made a deal with myself that I will take a trip to Whole Foods once these 2 weeks and 5 tests are over… rewards are always nice.

For accountabilities sake, last night I had a pumpkin-chocolate chip cookie that I had gotten from Whole Foods a while back and froze. Oh so very good!!! Pumpkin and chocolate are a match made in Heaven!

IMG_3094Freezing cookies works perfectly. They freeze beautifully and if popped in the oven for just a few minutes, they will taste like they were just freshly baked. Also, it’s good because if I have a ton of fresh cookies lying around… well they won’t be there very long, if you know what I mean.

Breakfast this morning was really, really good. Enter the return of oat bran…


This bowl contained:

  • 1/2 cup oat bran
  • 1 cup water
  • 1/2 cup 1% milk
  • salt
  • 1/2 banana (which I mashed up and microwaved on it’s own before adding to the oat bran – best idea EVER! It completely blended in and left no banana chunks)
  • cinnamon
  • almond butter
  • blueberries (frozen and thawed)
  • cinnamon and raw sugar mixed together and sprinkled on top

Today was for sure one of the days where my oats turned out perfectly 😀 Every flavor just blended together perfectly. The cinnamon, sugar, blueberries, and almond butter just made for THE perfect spoonful of goodness…yum!

For lunch I had a scramble with 1 egg, 2 egg whites, broccoli, and 1 wedge of light Laughing Cow French Onion.


Holy Moly. Laughing Cow cheese in scrambled eggs is SO good!!! It makes it incredibly creamy… this will be repeated in the future. For sure.

Also had 1/2 tomato and baby carrots.


And whole wheat toast with a smidge of real butter and strawberry jam. There are some things in life that are worth it… one of those is real butter. Nothing compares. And a smidge goes a looong way.


In addition, I had some un-pictured grapes. Now I though this meal would be a little more filling but it really wasn’t. I foresee a snack in my future.

And today’s eats may be slightly strange because my body is a little off today. I have really bad heart burn and acid reflux. I am on a prescription for it so it is usually under control but every once in a while it really flares up and today is one of those days. It refuses to go away. Cold water usually helps so I’ve downed glass after glass but to no avail. I’m not sure what’s going on. I have noticed that it’s gotten worse now that I’ve stopped running. I’m not sure why, does anyone know? It’s not that I’m overeating or eating different things than I did before. I wish I knew.

I’ve realized today that I have so much to be thankful for. So often we focus on the bad things in our lives and ignore the good, especially the small things that we take for granted. I’m so blessed to have such amazing friends and family and a job that I love. I may not be cut out to be a teacher but just working with children brings me such joy.

And you know, if my injury had to happen, if this is a lesson that I had to learn, I am so thankful that it happened when it did. If I had been injured in spring, fall, or summer, it would have killed me even more to not be able to run. If there is one time during the year that is easier for me to handle not being able to run, it’s right now. It’s so cold and frozen outside and has been the last couple of months (overall, this has been an unusually cold winter for SC).

What is something that you are thankful for today?