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The giveaway? What… you want to know who won the incredibly delicious jar of peanut butter and the lovely sample of Glo Bars? Well you’ll just have to stick around until the end of the post to find out… 🙂


Have you seen the movie Step Up with Channing Tatum (who is gorgeous!!… am I right ladies? ) and Jenna Dewan? Some people think it’s silly but I love it. It was on TV last night and I watched it. It really makes me wish I could dance though, especially this scene:

I wish I could dance like that. Unfortunately, there is not a musically inclined bone in my body and I have zero sense of rhythm.. so I will have to stick to watching it 😀

Any great dancers out there? Or do you simply enjoy it?


Oats was on the menu for breakfast, yet again. They were ok… I think my old fashioned oats kick is on it’s exit… I miss my oat bran!


This had the usual mix of..

  • 1/2 cup oats
  • 1/2 cup milk
  • 1/2 cup water
  • 1/2 banana
  • pinch of salt
  • cinnamon
  • Barney Butter
  • blueberries

I think I slightly overcooked it… there is a fine line between gummy and creamy, let me tell you. I still need to try egg whites in my oats again… for those of you that do that, do you add them in the very beginning?


Speaking of eggs, I had an eggscellent sandwich for lunch today (haha that was slightly lame… just slightly..). I had 2 egg whites on a toasted bagel thin with laughing cow cheese.


The warm egg made the cheese all melty… holy yum. It was good.


I also had a salad (remnants from last night) alongside with ranch. I promise there are tomatoes, cucumbers, and carrots in there.. they are just hiding 😀


And a big Fuji apple.. my favorite!



I tried out a new bar for an afternoon snack before work. I am a big fan of Pure bars but I had never had this flavor, trail mix, before.

photo (19)

It was so good, my favorite Pure bar that I’ve tried. There were huge  chunks of nuts and fruit.. yum!! If you have never had Pure bars before, they are awesome. They are completely raw and vegan friendly and the taste/texture is similar to that of a Larabar.

I also had this drink.

photo (20) (please excuse the Iphone car photo)

I am not usually a big fan of flavored waters… the added chemicals and whatnot is not something that I like the thought of… but I picked it up the other day out of curiosity. It was good, but a little on the sweet side. But a nice change from regular water.

Dinner was sort of thrown together… hence the lackage of creativity. But it was very good and good for me 🙂

I had a Dr. Praeger’s veggie burger with a sweet potato – a garnet sweet potato, to be exact, with some buttah and brown sugar.


I don’t know what it is about potatoes that are so un-photogenic.. but alas, they are.


Sweet potatoes… oh, how I love thee!

I had a caramel chocolate for dessert (thank you Valentine’s candy) and I will probably have a little something else in a bit.


In the spirit of NEDA week and last night’s post, I decided to focus on #2 in the list of ways to love and appreciate your body for today, which says to “Create a list of all the things your body lets you do.  Read it and add to it often.”

My body lets me…

  1. Hear birds sing and the laughter of children
  2. See a beautiful cloudless sky on a sunny day
  3. Hug a child
  4. Laugh
  5. Immerse myself in a good book
  6. Have fun cooking a delicious meal
  7. Walk
  8. Climb stairs
  9. Pet my kitties
  10. Taste and enjoy food…

Obviously, I could go on and on. When you start to think about it, your body lets you do SO many things… and some things that others can’t. We take for granted so much and we put our bodies through so much when we should be appreciating what we can do, rather than focusing on the things we cannot. I encourage everyone to make their own lists in the comments… it’s really empowering!


I have to say, I really needed that list today. I’m trying to stay positive but injury wise, it’s been a rough day. I really want to be an inspiration and a role model to those who are also in my shoes but I have been so frustrated today. I am in a lot of pain and I’m not sure why. I have been feeling better and yes, I have progressed in the right direction overall. BUT it’s hurting really badly today. And I don’t know why. Anyone else who has had an injury like this, do you have/did you have random days where it hurt worse?

Ok, so now on to what you have all been waiting for… the winners!!! Without further ado…

The winner of the Naturally Nutty Butter Toffee Peanut Butter is…


True Random Number GeneratorMin: Max: Result:10Powered by RANDOM.ORG

#10 is Mary!!!

And then, the winner of this sample of lovely Glo Bars…


True Random Number GeneratorMin: Max: Result:65Powered by RANDOM.ORG #65 – Christina!!!


Ladies, please send me an e-mail with your addresses and I will get your prizes on their way to you!


I wish I could give a jar of Naturally Nutty to every single one of you 😦 I loved reading all of your thoughts on what love is… you ladies (and fellows) are wise ones!!! But if you didn’t win, have no fear! I have another fabulous (even better? possibly…) giveaway in the makings! Excitement 😀


Today, I am thankful…

  1. For realizing that I shouldn’t lower my expectations for anyone and having the guts to follow through with that.
  2. Having a job that I love.
  3. Spring is not far away!


Whew, that was a long one!! I hope everyone has a good night!! I am off to watch The Bachelor boycott the Bachelor and read a book. That show makes me angry now…

"Nothing is more damaging to you than to do something that you believe is wrong." – Abraham